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We believe that no christians should be forced to pray outside, or in a dangerous environment. With access to a good churches, christians can focus on their faith and future.


The church is the body of Christ, of which He is the head. Refugees faces many challenges as they settle into a new country. Many live in fear of violence, and some are still processing the trauma of attacks and assaults they have experienced on their journey. Churches are now offering to refugee and disadvantage community the acceptance and support they need to heal from the past and build a new life.


‘The church gives emotional support, moral support, psychological support… They lift us up and help us to solve any problem that we have through the word of God, and through this healing process I have learned something very fundamental: to have faith in God and to have hope in what I can do. says Rebecca mother of 4 children, husband was killed in war in DRC and now live in kyangwali Refugee settlement in Uganda.


Building church is sustainable way of bringing the Christians together for healing from trauma problems, creation of friendship, promote peace and love, and spreading the gospel of God through conducting Sunday divine services and prayers.


Without Church, they are forced to pray under trees, in all weather. They are exposed to the elements, distracted, and unable to learn. For those who do have some shelter, it is often unstable, with holes in the roof that let the rain in, leaving children, women, men cold and wet, and destroy their work and are also forced to end the church services in the middle.




Furaha is refugee Congolese from Democratic republic of Congo ( DRC) who live in Uganda who was forced to flee war with nothing, her 2 children were killed and houses were burnt in her village. She was forced to pray in an unsafe Church, which had holes in the roof and walls.


"We would pray under the trees or in unsafe church. Since my church had almost no sit, it prevented many of us from concentrating in prayers and church Sunday divine service."


Furaha and her church mate were exposed to the elements. Intense sun, or violent rain, would disrupt lessons and make it impossible for christians to pray.


We're building safe and secure Churches so that christians can focus on their prayer, conduct church divine services, and their futures. With your support, we are able to build safe churches, latrine, and equip the church with quality furniture.























Kindly view our Church Construction Plan the kind of churches you want to support.

Help us build safe churches in Uganda


If you're looking to support our church work, with $10,000 cover to build permanent church with office plus latrine so that children, women and youth can focus on their faith.


By sponsoring a Church for Refugees in Uganda you will in return receive:


- Your chosen name on a sign at on church wall

- Regular updates on the project and your church

- Photos and video of your church

- Certificate of donation

-Invite you to visit your supported church in Uganda


What your donation can help with:

With $10,000 can build a safe church with office plus latrine.
With $ 1500 can equip church with quality furnitures so that Christians don’t sit on the floor.

With $ 1200 can buy a set of solarpanels and batteripack for the light and power the instruments in the church.


NOTE: We can share detailed breakdown budget on request via our email or contact form below.


Contact us

Address: Skiveien 228,1415 Oppegård, Nordre Follo Kommune, Norway 

Tel. +47 465 94 912

Org. nr 929 627 229

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